GPHR | Online GPHR Prep | HRReview

GPHR Online Exam

GPHR Online Exam


The Global Professional in Human Resources (GPHR®) 125 question Online “practice” exam. Each exam contains 125 questions randomly selected from HRReview’s data base of more than 400 global exam questions with detailed answers.


The Global Professional in Human Resources (GPHR®) Practice Exam assesses global HR knowledge including strategic management, talent acquisition, mobility, compensation, benefits, organizational effectiveness, talent development, workforce relations, and risk management. This practice exam will help you assess your readiness to sit for the GPHR exam.  Your 125 question exam is randomly selected from HRReview’s data base of more than 400 global exam questions.  The exam will remain in your account on the HRReview website until you finish it.  You may answer a few questions at a time, or take it all at once for time so you can pace yourself for the actual exam.

Once you place your order a confirmation email will be sent that contains instructions for accessing your online exam.

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